Who is Sheikh Hasina? Bio, Age, Height, Net Worth & Career 2024

Sheikh Hasina Wazed is a prominent political leader who has played a significant role in shaping the political landscape of Bangladesh. As the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, she has been influential in driving the country’s economic growth and social development. This article provides an in-depth look into Sheikh Hasina’s biography, age, height, net worth, and career as of 2024, offering a comprehensive overview of her achievements and influence.

Biography of Sheikh Hasina

Sheikh Hasina was born on September 28, 1947, in Tungipara, a small village in Gopalganj District, Bangladesh. She is the daughter of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the founding leader and first President of Bangladesh, and Begum Fazilatunnesa Mujib. Hasina is the eldest of five children, with a strong family legacy of political involvement.

Education and Personal Life

Sheikh Hasina completed her education at the University of Dhaka, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree. Her educational background laid the foundation for her active participation in politics. In 1968, she married M. A. Wazed Miah, a nuclear scientist, and the couple has two children.

Political Involvement

Hasina’s political career began in earnest following the assassination of her father and most of her family in 1975. Living in exile for six years, she returned to Bangladesh in 1981 and was elected as the President of the Awami League, a major political party in Bangladesh.

Rise to Power

Her political journey has been marked by resilience and determination. Sheikh Hasina became the Prime Minister of Bangladesh for the first time in 1996 and has been serving in this role since 2009, following re-elections in 2008, 2014, and 2018.

Age, Height, and Personal Attributes

  • Age: As of 2024, Sheikh Hasina is 76 years old.
  • Height: She stands at approximately 5 feet 4 inches (163 cm) tall.

Sheikh Hasina is known for her charisma and strong leadership qualities, which have been instrumental in her long-standing political career.

Net Worth of Sheikh Hasina

Sheikh Hasina’s net worth has been a subject of interest given her long tenure in politics and influence in Bangladesh. As of 2024, her estimated net worth is approximately $5 million. This wealth is primarily attributed to her political career and various family assets.

Estimated Net Worth of Sheikh Hasina (2024)

Source of IncomeEstimated Value (USD)
Political Career$2 million
Family Assets$1.5 million
Other Investments$1.5 million
Total Net Worth$5 million

Career Achievements and Milestones

Under Sheikh Hasina’s leadership, Bangladesh has witnessed significant economic growth. Her government has focused on improving infrastructure, increasing foreign investment, and promoting technology-driven industries. Bangladesh’s GDP growth rate has consistently been among the highest in the world during her tenure.

Social Reforms

Sheikh Hasina has been a proponent of social reforms aimed at improving the quality of life for Bangladeshi citizens. Her government has implemented programs to enhance education, healthcare, and women’s rights. Notable initiatives include the Digital Bangladesh Vision 2021, which aims to increase digital literacy and access to technology.

Political Influence

Sheikh Hasina’s influence extends beyond Bangladesh. She has been a key figure in regional politics and has worked to strengthen Bangladesh’s relationships with neighboring countries. Her diplomatic efforts have focused on promoting peace, security, and economic collaboration.

Challenges and Controversies

Sheikh Hasina’s tenure has not been without challenges. Her government has faced criticism for issues related to political freedom and human rights. Opposition parties have accused her administration of suppressing dissent and limiting media freedom.

Environmental Issues

As a low-lying country, Bangladesh is highly vulnerable to climate change. Sheikh Hasina’s government has taken steps to address these challenges through initiatives aimed at environmental sustainability and disaster preparedness.

Future Prospects

Sheikh Hasina’s vision for the future of Bangladesh includes continued economic growth, enhanced social welfare programs, and strengthened democratic institutions. Her government aims to achieve middle-income country status by 2024 and further improve the living standards of its citizens.

Technological Advancements

A key component of Sheikh Hasina’s future plans is leveraging technology to drive development. The government is investing in digital infrastructure and promoting innovation to create new opportunities for economic growth and employment.

How to Meet Sheikh Hasina

Meeting a prominent political figure like Sheikh Hasina requires navigating formal channels due to security and protocol considerations. Here are some steps that may increase the chances of meeting her:

  1. Official Events and Public Appearances: Attend public events or official functions where Sheikh Hasina is scheduled to appear. These events are usually announced in advance by the government or political parties.
  2. Political or Diplomatic Channels: Engage with political or diplomatic channels that may facilitate a meeting. This could involve reaching out to embassies or government officials who can provide guidance or make introductions.
  3. Write a Formal Request: Draft a formal request for a meeting and send it to the Office of the Prime Minister of Bangladesh. The request should clearly state the purpose of the meeting and any relevant affiliations or credentials.
  4. Participate in Conferences or Forums: Attend international conferences, forums, or summits where Sheikh Hasina might be a speaker or participant. Engaging in these events could provide opportunities for interaction.
  5. Social Media and Online Platforms: While direct meetings may be difficult to arrange, engaging with Sheikh Hasina’s official social media profiles can help individuals stay informed about her activities and public engagements.

Meeting a high-profile leader like Sheikh Hasina requires patience and persistence, along with respect for her schedule and commitments.

What is the Number of Prime Minister of Sheikh Hasina?

Sheikh Hasina is the 10th Prime Minister of Bangladesh. She has served multiple terms in this role:

  1. First Term: 1996–2001
  2. Second Term: 2009–2014
  3. Third Term: 2014–2018
  4. Fourth Term: 2018–present (as of 2024)

Her leadership has been characterized by her commitment to economic development, social reforms, and regional diplomacy. Sheikh Hasina’s influence in Bangladeshi politics is significant, making her one of the longest-serving prime ministers in the country’s history.

Did Sheikh Hasina Get the Nobel Prize?

As of 2024, Sheikh Hasina has not received a Nobel Prize. However, she has been internationally recognized for her efforts in promoting peace, development, and humanitarian causes. Some of her notable contributions include:

  1. Rohingya Refugee Crisis: Sheikh Hasina’s government has provided refuge to hundreds of thousands of Rohingya refugees fleeing violence in Myanmar, earning her praise for humanitarian leadership.
  2. Women’s Empowerment: She has been acknowledged for her work in promoting women’s rights and gender equality in Bangladesh.
  3. Climate Change Initiatives: Her administration has taken proactive measures to address climate change, which has gained attention from global environmental organizations.

Despite not receiving a Nobel Prize, Sheikh Hasina’s impact and contributions to global issues continue to be recognized and appreciated worldwide.

How Many Degrees Does Sheikh Hasina Have?

Sheikh Hasina holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Dhaka. Her education provided a foundation for her political career and her understanding of governance and development issues.

While she may not have multiple formal academic degrees, her experience in political leadership and governance has been extensive and impactful. Sheikh Hasina’s leadership is informed by her practical experience and deep understanding of national and international issues.

How Many Times Has Sheikh Hasina Become a Member of Parliament?

Sheikh Hasina has been elected as a Member of Parliament (MP) multiple times. Her political career spans several decades, and she has been a key figure in the Awami League, one of Bangladesh’s major political parties. Here is a summary of her parliamentary elections:

  1. First Election: Sheikh Hasina was first elected to the Parliament in 1986.
  2. Subsequent Elections: She has been re-elected in 1991, 1996, 2001, 2008, 2014, and 2018.

Her multiple terms as an MP highlight her significant influence and leadership within Bangladesh’s political landscape.

How Tall is Sheikh Hasina in Feet?

Sheikh Hasina is approximately 5 feet 4 inches tall. Her height, like her leadership style, reflects her strong and resilient personality, which has been central to her role as a leader in Bangladesh.

Where is Sheikh Hasina Doing Right Now?

As of 2024, Sheikh Hasina continues to serve as the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, actively engaged in governing the country. Her daily activities include:

  1. Policy Making: Overseeing government policies and initiatives to drive economic growth and social development.
  2. International Diplomacy: Engaging with international leaders and participating in global forums to enhance Bangladesh’s role on the world stage.
  3. Public Engagement: Interacting with citizens through public appearances and speeches to communicate her government’s vision and achievements.
  4. Crisis Management: Addressing national challenges such as climate change, economic fluctuations, and social issues.

Her leadership remains focused on advancing Bangladesh’s progress and ensuring the welfare of its citizens.

Where is Sheikh Hasina Now?

Sheikh Hasina is based in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, where she conducts her duties as Prime Minister. Her official residence is the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), located in the Tejgaon area of Dhaka.

Sheikh Hasina often travels within Bangladesh and abroad for official engagements, meetings, and conferences. Her presence in various national and international forums highlights her active role in shaping Bangladesh’s future and its relations with the global community.


Sheikh Hasina’s leadership has been pivotal in shaping Bangladesh’s trajectory over the past decades. Her commitment to economic development, social reforms, and technological advancement has positioned Bangladesh as a rising player on the global stage. While her tenure has faced challenges and controversies, her influence and vision for the future continue to drive progress and inspire change.

As she navigates the complexities of leadership in 2024, Sheikh Hasina remains a central figure in Bangladesh’s journey towards prosperity and development.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is Sheikh Hasina?

Sheikh Hasina is the Prime Minister of Bangladesh and a prominent political leader known for her contributions to the country’s development.

What is Sheikh Hasina’s net worth in 2024?

As of 2024, Sheikh Hasina’s estimated net worth is $5 million, derived from her political career and family assets.

What are Sheikh Hasina’s major achievements?

Sheikh Hasina’s major achievements include driving economic growth, implementing social reforms, and enhancing Bangladesh’s regional influence.

How tall is Sheikh Hasina?

Sheikh Hasina stands approximately 5 feet 4 inches (163 cm) tall.

What challenges has Sheikh Hasina faced as a leader?

Sheikh Hasina has faced challenges related to political freedom, human rights, and environmental sustainability during her tenure as Prime Minister.

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