What is Paul Ryan Doing Now? Exploring His Post-Politics Career and Current Role

Paul Ryan, the former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, has remained a notable figure even after stepping down from politics in 2019. Ryan’s influence on American politics, particularly within the Republican Party, is undeniable. But after his departure from the political stage, many are left wondering: what is Paul Ryan doing now? This article explores Ryan’s current pursuits, examining his roles in the business world, philanthropy, education, and more.

Paul Ryan’s Transition from Politics

After nearly two decades in the U.S. House of Representatives, where he served as the 54th Speaker, Paul Ryan decided not to seek re-election in 2018. His decision marked the end of a significant chapter in his life, where he had been one of the most influential voices within the GOP. But his departure from politics didn’t signal the end of his public influence. In fact, Ryan has taken on multiple new roles, carving out a place for himself in the private sector.

A Quick Overview of Paul Ryan’s Political Career

PositionYears ActiveKey Contributions
U.S. House of Representatives (Wisconsin’s 1st District)1999-2019Advocated for conservative fiscal policies and tax reforms
Speaker of the House2015-2019Helped pass tax reform laws, including the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017
Republican Vice-Presidential Nominee2012Ran alongside Mitt Romney in an unsuccessful bid for the White House

Paul Ryan left a legacy of fiscal conservatism, and his policies continue to shape discussions within the Republican Party. However, in his post-political life, Ryan has pursued endeavors outside of Washington D.C., branching out into business, education, and philanthropy.

What Is Paul Ryan Doing Now?

Since stepping away from politics, Paul Ryan has embraced new opportunities that span across multiple industries. His transition demonstrates a continued dedication to making a societal impact, albeit in different forms.

Paul Ryan’s Role in Business

Paul Ryan joined the private sector soon after his departure from politics. He currently serves on various boards of directors and advisory roles for major companies. Notably, Ryan joined the board of Fox Corporation, the parent company of Fox News, in 2019. His position within Fox Corporation allows him to remain connected to media and influence conservative discourse without direct political involvement.

He is also affiliated with Solamere Capital, a private investment firm co-founded by Tagg Romney, where Ryan serves as a partner. This role has allowed him to channel his knowledge of financial markets and economic policies into business ventures.

Business VenturesRoleYear Joined
Fox CorporationBoard Member2019
Solamere CapitalPartner2019

In his business roles, Paul Ryan has continued to advocate for free-market principles, contributing to strategic decisions and business growth for these organizations.

Paul Ryan’s Involvement in Education and Academia

Beyond his corporate roles, Paul Ryan has maintained an active presence in academic circles. He serves as a guest lecturer at the University of Notre Dame where he teaches a course on political economy. This role underscores his interest in shaping the minds of the next generation of political leaders. His focus on economics, public policy, and governance in his lectures reflects his continued dedication to the principles he upheld during his time in Congress.

Paul Ryan and Philanthropy

In addition to his business and educational roles, Paul Ryan has also engaged in philanthropic activities. His Paul Ryan Foundation, founded in 2019, focuses on issues like poverty reduction, education reform, and economic opportunity. The foundation works with communities across the country to create programs aimed at improving education access and providing economic opportunities for underserved populations.

Ryan’s foundation reflects his belief in personal responsibility and the free-market system as the best way to lift individuals out of poverty. His work in philanthropy allows him to continue advocating for policy reforms in areas like welfare and education but from a non-political platform.

Philanthropy FocusInitiative
Education ReformScholarships for low-income students
Poverty ReductionEconomic programs for underserved communities

The Impact of Paul Ryan’s Policy Work

Even though Paul Ryan is no longer in office, the impact of his policy work remains significant. His fiscal conservatism and commitment to tax reform continue to influence Republican policy debates. His legacy in Congress is particularly evident in the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which remains one of the most significant pieces of legislation during his tenure as Speaker of the House.

Policy AreasMajor Achievements
Tax ReformChampioned the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
Welfare ReformAdvocated for reforms to reduce dependency on government aid
Budget ControlPromoted balanced budgets and reduction of federal spending

Paul Ryan’s Vision for the Future

Looking ahead, Paul Ryan seems poised to continue his focus on economic policies and philanthropic work. His leadership in private sector roles, along with his continued involvement in education, shows that he is keen on influencing future generations of leaders.

In interviews, Ryan has stated that he is content with his decision to leave politics, but he is not ruling out a future return to public service. For now, his efforts are concentrated on improving lives through business, education, and philanthropy.


Paul Ryan’s post-political career reflects his enduring commitment to the principles he championed during his time in office. From his role on the board of Fox Corporation to his involvement in education as a guest lecturer, and his philanthropic efforts through the Paul Ryan Foundation, Ryan continues to wield influence, albeit in different arenas.

His work in business, academia, and philanthropy ensures that his ideas on fiscal conservatism, free markets, and personal responsibility remain central to discussions on America’s future. While he has stepped away from the political spotlight, Paul Ryan’s impact continues to be felt across multiple sectors, making him a figure whose influence persists even beyond Washington D.C.

Whether he will return to the political stage remains uncertain, but his current pursuits highlight a dedication to shaping public policy and economic opportunity through new avenues. As Paul Ryan continues to redefine his legacy, his work in these areas makes it clear that he is far from done shaping the discourse on issues that matter to him—and to the country.

FAQs: What Is Paul Ryan Doing Now?

Is Paul Ryan still involved in politics?

No, Paul Ryan has not returned to politics since stepping down in 2019. However, he remains an influential figure through his roles in media, business, and academia.

What is Paul Ryan’s role at Fox Corporation?

Paul Ryan serves as a member of the board of directors at Fox Corporation, where he helps guide the company’s overall strategy and decision-making processes.

Does Paul Ryan have any involvement in education?

Yes, Paul Ryan is a guest lecturer at the University of Notre Dame, where he teaches courses on political economy and governance.

What is the Paul Ryan Foundation?

The Paul Ryan Foundation, established in 2019, focuses on poverty reduction, education reform, and economic opportunity, promoting programs that provide help to underserved populations.

Has Paul Ryan written any books after leaving politics?

Yes, Paul Ryan has authored several books reflecting on his time in politics and his policy views, including his memoir “The Way Forward: Renewing the American Idea”, which provides insight into his conservative ideology.

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