What is Sarah Palin Doing Now? Current Life, Politics, and Career in 2024

Sarah Palin, the former Governor of Alaska and Republican Vice Presidential nominee, remains an intriguing public figure, even years after her 2008 run for the White House. She has evolved over time, stepping away from traditional political roles to embrace new avenues in media, advocacy, and personal pursuits. In this article, we explore her current endeavors, the influence she still wields in American politics, and what Sarah Palin is doing now.

Sarah Palin’s Political Career: Where Is She Today?

Sarah Palin burst onto the national political scene in 2008 when Senator John McCain selected her as his Vice Presidential running mate. As the Governor of Alaska, Palin had already made a name for herself with her stance on oil and energy, as well as her “maverick” attitude.

Despite the McCain-Palin ticket losing to Barack Obama and Joe Biden, Palin continued to be a household name in conservative politics. Her advocacy for Tea Party values and her appearances on conservative news outlets kept her in the spotlight.

Is Sarah Palin Still Involved in Politics?

In recent years, Sarah Palin has distanced herself from holding official political office but remains politically active. She’s known for her outspoken support of conservative figures and policies. Although Palin has not run for major political office recently, she regularly engages in political commentary, speaking out on national issues like energy independence, gun rights, and healthcare.

Palin is also a frequent commentator on platforms like Fox News, where she provides opinions on current events and political developments.

What Are Sarah Palin’s Media Ventures?

After leaving the Governor’s office in 2009, Palin ventured into media. She starred in her own reality television show, Sarah Palin’s Alaska, which aired in 2010 and ran for one season. The show was a combination of family life, adventure, and insight into her love for her home state of Alaska.

More recently, Palin has appeared as a guest on various political talk shows and podcasts. Her public speaking engagements and media appearances keep her relevant in political circles.

Social Media Presence

Sarah Palin maintains an active social media presence, where she regularly shares her views on national politics, her faith, and personal updates. Platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook serve as the main outlets for Palin’s voice, where she engages with her followers, often providing unfiltered takes on trending topics.

Sarah Palin’s Personal Life in 2024

Palin’s personal life has always been of great interest to the public. She is a mother to five children, including her son Trig, who was born with Down syndrome. Despite the challenges that come with balancing a public career and motherhood, Palin has always been vocal about her commitment to her family.

In 2020, Palin went through a high-profile divorce from her husband Todd Palin after 31 years of marriage. This was a significant personal event in her life, but Palin has since focused on maintaining her role as a mother and grandmother.

Advocacy and Charitable Work

While Palin’s political career may have slowed down, her advocacy has not. She continues to champion causes close to her heart, such as support for veterans, Down syndrome awareness, and pro-life issues. Palin often participates in speaking engagements and events that align with her values, working to bring attention to these issues.

What Are Sarah Palin’s Current Projects?

Sarah Palin has authored several books, including her bestselling autobiography, Going Rogue: An American Life. Writing remains one of Palin’s significant outlets, and she continues to share her thoughts and experiences through various platforms. She is also an in-demand public speaker, regularly appearing at conservative conferences and events.

Potential Political Comeback?

There has been speculation over the years that Sarah Palin could make a political comeback, particularly in Alaska politics. While no major announcements have been made, Palin has not ruled out the possibility of running for office again. Her strong conservative following and name recognition make her a viable candidate for any future political endeavors.

Sarah Palin’s Influence on Modern Politics

Despite not holding political office, Palin continues to influence conservative politics in the U.S. Her brand of populist, anti-establishment conservatism has only grown in popularity in recent years, particularly with the rise of figures like Donald Trump.

Palin was an early supporter of Trump’s 2016 campaign and has since been seen as an informal ally to the former president. Her endorsement continues to carry weight among certain conservative voters.

Palin’s Endorsements and Political Impact

Sarah Palin’s endorsements in local, state, and national races still hold sway within Republican circles. When Palin backs a candidate, it often garners attention and support from the party’s more conservative base.

Sarah Palin’s Key Political Milestones

2006Elected Governor of AlaskaFirst female Governor of Alaska
2008Republican Vice Presidential NomineeRan with John McCain; became a national political figure
2009Resigned as GovernorStepped down to pursue other opportunities
2016Endorsed Donald Trump for PresidentInfluential endorsement in Trump’s successful campaign
2024Political Commentary and Public SpeakingContinues to influence politics through media and advocacy

Sarah Palin’s Published Works

TitleYear PublishedGenreDescription
Going Rogue: An American Life2009AutobiographyPalin’s best-selling memoir of her political journey
America by Heart: Reflections2010Political CommentaryA collection of Palin’s thoughts on faith, family, and politics
Sweet Freedom: A Devotional2015DevotionalPalin’s reflections on faith and life’s challenges


In 2024, Sarah Palin continues to be a formidable presence in American conservative politics, even though she has not held public office for several years. She is deeply engaged in media, public speaking, and advocacy for the causes that matter most to her, such as energy independence, gun rights, and pro-life issues. Her influence, especially among conservative voters, remains strong, and Palin continues to shape political discourse through her outspoken nature.

Palin’s legacy in American politics is unique. She remains a symbol of grassroots conservatism and is admired for her dedication to family values and her ability to connect with voters. Whether or not she chooses to return to a more formal political role, Sarah Palin’s voice will likely continue to be influential in shaping the future of conservative politics in the United States.

By staying active on social media, making media appearances, and engaging in public speaking, Palin ensures that her opinions and insights remain relevant. As we move further into 2024 and beyond, it will be interesting to see what Sarah Palin’s next steps are and how she continues to contribute to the political and cultural landscape of America.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Sarah Palin Doing Now in 2024?

As of 2024, Sarah Palin remains politically active but has shifted away from holding public office. She engages in political commentary, advocacy work, and media appearances. Palin is also a public speaker and author, with continued influence in conservative circles.

Is Sarah Palin Planning a Political Comeback?

There has been ongoing speculation that Sarah Palin may return to politics, especially within Alaska. While Palin has not confirmed any plans to run for office, she has not ruled out the possibility of making a political comeback in the future.

What TV Shows Has Sarah Palin Appeared On?

Sarah Palin starred in the reality show Sarah Palin’s Alaska and has made numerous appearances on news programs and talk shows. She remains a popular figure on conservative media platforms like Fox News.

What Are Sarah Palin’s Key Political Views?

Palin continues to advocate for conservative values, including limited government, gun rights, energy independence, and pro-life policies. She remains vocal about these views through social media and public appearances.

How Did Sarah Palin’s Personal Life Change After Her Divorce?

In 2020, Sarah Palin divorced her husband of 31 years, Todd Palin. Despite this personal challenge, Palin has focused on her family and continues to be a dedicated mother and grandmother.

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