What is Lance Armstrong Doing Now? An Inside Look at His Life Post-Cycling Career

Lance Armstrong is a name synonymous with cycling, but after his controversial exit from the sport, many wonder, “What is Lance Armstrong doing now?” Once a celebrated figure, Armstrong’s life took a significant turn after his doping scandal. However, that hasn’t stopped him from staying active in various endeavors. This article will delve into Armstrong’s life post-cycling, exploring his personal life, professional engagements, and how he’s staying relevant in the public eye.

Lance Armstrong’s Life After Cycling

Lance Armstrong rose to international fame for winning the Tour de France seven consecutive times between 1999 and 2005. However, his victories were stripped following revelations about his involvement in a doping scandal. After being banned from professional cycling, Armstrong shifted his focus toward personal and professional ventures outside of competitive sports.

How Did Lance Armstrong Transition from Cycling?

Armstrong’s transition from the world of competitive cycling was not easy. His reputation was tarnished by the doping allegations, but he didn’t completely disappear from the public sphere. He’s since worked on various business projects, podcasts, and philanthropic activities.

Current Ventures: What Is Lance Armstrong Doing Now?

One of Lance Armstrong’s most successful post-cycling ventures is his podcast, The Move. This podcast covers major cycling events, including the Tour de France. It has gained a significant following and helps keep Armstrong connected to the world of cycling.

Podcast NameFocus AreaAudience Size (Est.)Launch Year
The MoveCycling & Commentary1 Million+2017

Outside the Podcast: Business Ventures

Armstrong has also made a name for himself in the business world. He has invested in various startups and business ventures, most notably through venture capital and real estate investments. Armstrong is particularly known for his early investment in Uber, which reportedly grew into a significant financial success.

Lance Armstrong’s Fitness Routine Post-Cycling

Even after leaving professional cycling, Armstrong remains dedicated to fitness. He continues to cycle for leisure, participates in marathons, and regularly trains with intensity. Though he no longer competes, Armstrong has retained his passion for physical activity.

Fitness Activities of Lance Armstrong:

  • Cycling
  • Running
  • Swimming
  • Strength Training

Philanthropy and Social Contributions

Lance Armstrong is well known for his contributions to cancer research through the Lance Armstrong Foundation (now known as the Livestrong Foundation). Even after his doping scandal, Armstrong continues to support cancer-related causes. While his role within Livestrong has diminished, his philanthropic work continues.

Personal Life Updates: Where Does Lance Armstrong Live Now?

Armstrong currently resides in Aspen, Colorado, with his wife Anna Hansen and their children. He frequently posts updates about his family life on social media, showcasing a more private, relaxed lifestyle. Armstrong enjoys skiing and spending time outdoors, often sharing these activities with his family.

Lance Armstrong’s Family:

Family MemberRelationAge
Anna HansenWife42
Luke ArmstrongSon23
Isabelle ArmstrongDaughter20
Grace ArmstrongDaughter18
Olivia ArmstrongDaughter13

Challenges Faced by Lance Armstrong Post-Career

Following his fall from grace, Armstrong faced a series of lawsuits. The most significant one was a $100 million federal lawsuit filed by the U.S. government. He eventually settled the case for $5 million, which was seen as a major reduction given the initial claim.

Public Perception and Reputation Repair

Armstrong has worked hard to rebuild his public image. While he still faces criticism from many in the sports world, his transparency in admitting his mistakes has helped him regain some goodwill. Through interviews, public appearances, and social media, Armstrong presents a more reflective and humble persona.

Lance Armstrong’s Financial Status After Cycling

Armstrong’s investment in Uber is one of his most notable financial successes. Initially investing in the ride-sharing giant through venture capitalist Chris Sacca, Armstrong’s investment reportedly grew exponentially, contributing significantly to his financial recovery.

Investment VentureCompany NameYear of InvestmentOutcome
Venture CapitalUber2009Successful
Real EstateVariousOngoingProfitable

Brand Partnerships and Endorsements

Armstrong no longer has the same level of endorsement deals as he did during his cycling career. However, he has collaborated with smaller brands and companies, particularly in the health and wellness sectors. These partnerships allow him to maintain visibility in the public eye, although they are not on the same scale as his previous associations.


Lance Armstrong’s journey from a celebrated cyclist to a public figure grappling with controversy is nothing short of compelling. Despite the doping scandal that led to his fall from professional cycling, Armstrong has found ways to reinvent himself. Through his podcast The Move, investments in companies like Uber, and maintaining an active lifestyle, Armstrong remains relevant in multiple arenas. His philanthropic efforts and dedication to fitness also show that he has not turned away from the core aspects of his identity.

Today, Lance Armstrong is much more than just a retired cyclist. He is a businessman, a podcast host, a father, and a public figure who has, in many ways, managed to rebuild his life despite past challenges. For those curious about “What is Lance Armstrong doing now?” the answer lies in his ability to evolve and find new paths for success while staying true to his roots in cycling and philanthropy.

FAQs About Lance Armstrong

What is Lance Armstrong doing now?

Lance Armstrong is currently involved in several ventures, including his popular podcast The Move, investments in startups like Uber, and maintaining an active lifestyle. He also participates in various philanthropic efforts, especially in the field of cancer awareness.

Where does Lance Armstrong live now?

Armstrong resides in Aspen, Colorado, with his wife and children. He enjoys an outdoor-oriented lifestyle, often engaging in skiing, cycling, and family activities.

Is Lance Armstrong still involved in cycling?

While Armstrong no longer competes professionally, he remains connected to the sport through his podcast, The Move, where he offers commentary on major cycling events like the Tour de France.

What was Lance Armstrong’s settlement with the U.S. government?

Armstrong faced a $100 million lawsuit from the U.S. government but eventually settled the case for $5 million. This lawsuit stemmed from accusations of defrauding the government during his time with the U.S. Postal Service cycling team.

How did Lance Armstrong recover financially after the scandal?

Armstrong recovered financially through smart investments, particularly his early investment in Uber. His business acumen has helped him regain financial stability despite losing sponsorships and endorsement deals.

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